1226 Westridge Rd Greensboro, NC 27410
336-852-9867 or 336-340-7915
By Appointment Only

Pet CPR & First Aid
Pet Tech® is the first International Training Center dedicated to CPR, First Aid & Care for dogs and cats. We have been teaching the important skills of Pet CPR, First Aid & Care for over 20 years. The Pet Tech® Trainings have helped save the lives of thousands of pets that have been in emergency situations with their pet parent or pet care professional. In our 4+ classes you will learn CPR techniques and first aid skills, as well as health and wellness information for dogs and cats. Additionally, the class includes our PetSaver™ 40-page handbook and upon successful completion, each participant will receive a certificate and wallet card.
You will learn the following...
Importance of Pet First Aid
10 Situations That Require Immediate Veterinary Care
Rescue Breathing
Restraining Your Pet
Choking Management
Heat and Cold Injuries
Bleeding Management
How to Help Your Pet in a Medical Emergency
Insect Bites and Stings
Snout-To-Tail™ Wellness Assessment
Assessing Your Pet’s Vitals
Last-minute cancellations prevent the chance for another to fill your spot in class. We have a no-refund policy!
Waiver of Liability:
For and in consideration of good and valuable consideration, including, but not limited to, Pet CPR and First Aid instruction and certification, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged hereby, I hereby waive my rights to all claims for injuries that I may sustain arising out of the Pet CPR & First Aid instruction or any subsequent activities arising therefrom. I further agree to hold harmless Pet Tech, Nanhall, Inc, its owners, and staff, for all injuries, be them physical, fiscal or otherwise, that I may inflict upon others as a result of the CPR instruction.
I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury involved in attending a CPR instruction course, and I agree to assume the full risk of injuries, including death, damages or losses which I may sustain as a result of attending. I agree to waive and relinquish any and all claims I may have arising out of, or connected with, said course, whether they relate to injuries to myself or others.
You agree to indemnify and hold Pet Tech, Nanhall, Inc, its owners, and staff harmless from and against any and all damages, costs, claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising from or relating to your use of Pet CPR & First Aid this includes dog or cat injuries.​​​​​